
Siyaset Haberleri

Siyasi gelişmeler, meclis gündemi ve siyasi haberler

Senate Democrats Are Attacking Tulsi Gabbard for the Wrong Reasons

Senate Democrats Are Attacking Tulsi Gabbard for the Wrong Reasons

Jeet Heer Preferring to defend spy agencies and line up behind the hawkish consensus, the biparti...

31.01.2025 21
Fish-Inspired Sensor "Touches" Using Electric Fields

Fish-Inspired Sensor "Touches" Using Electric Fields

The ability to detect a nearby presence without seeing or touching it may sound fantastical—but it’s...

11.12.2024 0
Hyper Light Breaker’s Michael Clark: ‘We want our true believers to feel their faith in us is rewarded’

Hyper Light Breaker’s Michael Clark: ‘We want our true believers to feel their faith in us is rewarded’

Push to Talk is a weekly newsletter about the business of making and marketing video ga...

01.02.2025 26
Devlet Bahçeli’nin Öcalan çağrısı ne anlama geliyor?

Devlet Bahçeli’nin Öcalan çağrısı ne anlama geliyor?

Türkiye siyaset tarihinin en hareketli günlerini yaşıyor. MHP lideri Devlet Bahçeli partisinin grup ...

23.10.2024 0
Aging Politicians Are Only Going To Get More Common

Aging Politicians Are Only Going To Get More Common

Age Aging Politicians Are Only Going To Get More ...

07.09.2023 0
Interview: Cecilia Bengolea on her dancehall film for VF: Reverb

Interview: Cecilia Bengolea on her dancehall film for VF: Reverb

The artist and choreographer discusses Shelly Belly Inna Real Life, shot in Jamaica between 2015 and...

13.11.2024 0
Brand Echh: Sandra Bullock and Billy Bob Thornton Can’t Save the Lame ‘Our Brand Is Crisis’

Brand Echh: Sandra Bullock and Billy Bob Thornton Can’t Save the Lame ‘Our Brand Is Crisis’

If you look at it as another sincere and affectionate cover-band take on a popcorn genre from direct...

30.10.2015 0
Manisa’da hedef daha fazla belediye

Manisa’da hedef daha fazla belediye

CHP Parti Meclisi, Manisa Büyükşehir Belediye başkan adayı olarak Ferdi Zeyrek’i gösterirken mevcut ...

20.11.2024 1.292
İSİPAB’ın İsveç tepkisinde Türkiye vurgusu

İSİPAB’ın İsveç tepkisinde Türkiye vurgusu

TBMM Başkanı Mustafa Şentop’un İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Parlamento Birliği(İSİPAB) Dönem Başkanı ol...

20.11.2024 385
What a US Exit From the WHO Means for Global Health

What a US Exit From the WHO Means for Global Health

For decades, the United States has held considerable power in determining the direction of global he...

24.01.2025 93
5 bin lira asgari ücret vaadine bakın kaç oy çıktı

5 bin lira asgari ücret vaadine bakın kaç oy çıktı

Asgari ücreti 5 bin lira yapma vaadinde bulunan Haydar Baş’ın partisi BTP, yüzde 0.18 oy aldı....

08.06.2015 0
Senegal'de erken genel seçim

Senegal'de erken genel seçim

Senegal'de yarın düzenlenecek genel seçim ile 7 milyon seçmen sandık başına gidecek. Seçimlerde 5 yı...

23.11.2024 0